We have a new general discussion topic. You can start a new general discussion topic by posting an idea in the comments section below. We’re going to try something new. We want this section of the subreddit to be more active and engaging than it has been in the past, so we created a weekly topic for you all to discuss. This week’s topic is: What's your favorite kind of pizza?

New general discussion topic

This question is often asked in an attempt to find out what people are reading, but it's also an opportunity for them to talk about their own favorite book or genre and why they like it so much. The solution: If you're having trouble finding something better than "I'm reading" or "I'm not reading," try saying something like, "I recently finished [title], which I enjoyed very much." Or if you want your answer more specific with regards to genre, say something like "My favorite book is [genre]."

The solution to this problem is pretty simple: Instead of asking what people are reading, try asking them what they enjoy reading. This will give you a lot more information about their interests and will also allow you to form a connection with them based on those interests.

If you want to get even more specific, try asking what their favorite book or author is. This will allow them to share something about themselves that they are passionate about and opens up the conversation for further discussion. You might be surprised by how much you have in common with others when it comes to books.

Ideas for new general discussion topics

General discussion topics can be about anything, and they're not limited to a single topic. If you have an idea for a general discussion topic, let us know in the comments below!

You can also use our general forum to ask other readers for general discussion topics. If you're looking for a new way to make friends, try asking people what their favorite book is or what they like to read. If you're having trouble finding something better than "I'm reading" or "I'm not reading," try saying something like, "I recently finished [title], which I enjoyed very much."

If you're looking for general discussion topics, one of the best places to start is with a question. For example, “What’s your favorite book?” or "What are you currently reading?" are great ways to get people talking about their interests and passions. This will help you find out what kinds of books other people like and why they enjoy them.

You can start a new general discussion topic.

You can ask questions, make suggestions and share your experiences. You can also ask for help with a project or just help out in general!

If you’re looking for general discussion topics, one of the best places to start is with a question. For example, “What’s your favorite book?” or "What are you currently reading?" are great ways to get people talking about their interests and passions. This will help you find out what kinds of books other people like and why they enjoy them.

You can start a new general discussion topic. You can ask questions, make suggestions and share your experiences. You can also ask for help with a project or just help out in general! If you’re looking for general discussion topics, one of the best places to start is with a question. For example, “What’s your favorite book?” or "What are you currently reading?" are great ways to get people talking about their interests and passions.


We hope you’ve enjoyed these discussions, and we look forward to seeing what other people are thinking about when they come up with their own ideas!

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